ASN (Advanced Shipping Notice)

Home Glossary ASN (Advanced Shipping Notice)
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In logistics, “Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN)” is a detailed document sent by a supplier to a customer before the shipment arrives. It serves as a heads-up about what is being shipped and provides essential details about the shipment.

Definition of ASN in logistics

Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) is an electronic document that provides information about a pending delivery. It’s sent by the supplier to the buyer to give advance notice of the shipment’s contents and details.

Key elements of ASN in logistics

Benefits of ASNs in logistics

Example of ASN in the logistics industry

Imagine you run a retail store, and you’re expecting a shipment of electronics from a supplier. A few days before the delivery, you receive an ASN. This notice tells you that 50 laptops, 100 headphones, and 200 USB cables are on their way. It also includes the shipment’s tracking number and the expected delivery date. With this information, you can prepare your storage area and schedule staff to handle the incoming products efficiently.

In summary, ASN is like a preview of a shipment, helping businesses get ready for its arrival and making sure that everything runs smoothly when it does.

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